Vero Health finds true balance
In her own pursuit of balance, Vernon naturopathic doctor Shelby Entner’s clinic recently moved into a cosy, calming new space in a hip corner of downtown.
In her own pursuit of balance, Vernon naturopathic doctor Shelby Entner’s clinic recently moved into a cosy, calming new space in a hip corner of downtown.
When we miss sleep in our 24/7 world, we pay a price with our ability to learn, our health, and our quality of life. Insomnia is on the upswing in our western world and has become one of the top concerns that I see regularly in my naturopathic practice. Why are so many of us […]
As fall rolls in and we start to see shorter days and less light, it is a natural time for us to nd ourselves slowing down, finding a pace that often feels quite different than the sunnier and busier summer months. Although we don’t hibernate like some of our mammal relations, fall and winter can […]
The last time I was in a mall, I was overpowered by the most noxious smells! Was I walking by the restrooms or the fast food area, you ask? Nope, I was passing a seasonal display of scented candles, plug-ins, and air fresheners. With names like Dewy Meadows and Lilac Bouquet, the scents should have […]
Burning in your chest wakes you up in the middle of the night. You can feel the tightness when you take a breath and panic sets in because it feels like a heart attack! Heartburn is a common and frightening condition that feels like a burning sensation in the upper chest — a feeling of […]
‘Tis the season to be sneezing! With the warm days of spring come the beginning of grasses and pollens that can cause some to dread the sunny days and new plant growth. Commonly referred to as “hay fever,” the symptoms associated with the season are varied. e upper respiratory tract o en becomes irritated and […]
Acne is a common condition for both the young and old. Many people have had memorable episodes with bad skin in their teen years but many continue to suffer well into adulthood. Our skin is a good reflection of what is going on within our bodies. Adult acne can be caused by multiple factors including […]
I was recently cleaning out my pup’s water bowl and felt that telltale sign of slime from leaving it too long. Pink mold had invaded the bowl and left behind its tinge of colour and slipperiness. Pink scum like this is o en found in damp areas like bathtubs, showers, planters, and places like water […]
For centuries, women have used a variety of methods to help prevent themselves from unintentionally getting pregnant. Homemade concoctions would be applied or drank to help stop ovulation or fertilization, some- times with success but o en not. Canadian frontier women in the early pioneer days were even known to drink a home brew of […]
You’ve just welcomed a bundle of joy into your home with all the excitement, worry and new motherhood experiences you’ve read about and heard from your friends. Breast/bottles, diapering, sleeping~these topics are discussed but little is ever shared about getting back into the bedroom and your libido. Hormones change rapidly after a baby is born […]